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qbmove Teleimpedance control

The purpose of this project is to assemble a qbmove torso and operate this structure using the human body.

The human arms's positions are detected with a PrimeSense 3D sensor camera.

The muscular contractions are measured using electromyographic sensors and the electrical level is converted into a stiffness value using a PsoC 5 LP board. The muscular signals are used to set the qbmove stiffness value. 

The PrimeSense and the PsoC 5 LP output signals are routed to a pc running a Simulink simulation which controls all the qbmoves.


Two tasks are followed: a Peg in Hole task and a Handover task. The muscular contractions measurements are also used for opening and closing two SoftHands used for object grasping.


Tommaso Pardi

Alessandro Raugi

Lorenzo Tortorella



Centro E. Piaggio



Software Libraries

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Robot Model
Getting Started

Installation guide and basic setup configuration - [coming soon]

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Handover Task
Peg in Hole Task

© 2014 Natural Machine Motion Initiative

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