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The purpose of this work is to analyse the advantages of Variable Stiffness approach applied to two-footed walking issue. In this project a structure of a dinosaur actuated with eight qbmoves has been chosen.
The structure of the robot is composed by eight qbmove and five custom parts designed with Creo Parametric 2.0 and printed with a 3D printer.


The code has been implemented in Matlab and Simulink.
A human-like walking is obtained by divided the motion of legs in different phases. These phases have been duplicated with a state-flow machine that set motor angles and stiffness values of each qbmove.
A further evolution of the robot may be to use a vision system and an auxiliary sensors set (as IMU or force sensors) so as to refine the control. The IMU can be used to perform a stability control. The force sensors could be useful to properly handle the foot-ground contact.


Giuseppe Lafortezza

Calogero Li Destri

Giulia D'Intino

Manuel G. Catalano

Giorgio Grioli

Manolo Garabini

Antonio Bicchi




Centro E. Piaggio

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia




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© 2014 Natural Machine Motion Initiative

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